RuneScape High Detail FAQ
Please visit this section if you need any help, or have any questions, regarding our new high detail mode. (Updated 4th July) More...

Behind the Scenes - July
It may be late (curse those pesky graphical updates) but the Behind the Scenes is back and it's dressed to impress! With a number of updates to Lumbridge, Item Lending, a high-spirited quest and the small matter of a bank rework, July is looking very dapper indeed... Read more...
RuneScape HD Beta Round-Up
We've received loads of really positive feedback on the Forums about RuneScape HD, so thank you all for your comments! For those who would like to know more about our plans for the graphical improvements and how to deal with compatibility issues, please read on. Read more...
Price changes for new subscribers
From the 4th August, RuneScape subscriptions for new subscribers will be increased slightly. If you are an existing subscriber this will not affect you. Please read on for more details. Read more...